Some important information for the disciples and more facts to uphold Jesus as the Son of God.
Tag Archives: Pastor Steve Morales
JAN 7,2023; Communion 2 Cor. 5:17-21
Behold all things are new.
DEC 31, 2023; Philippians 3
Technical difficulties. Just the very end of the Teaching But important. Now is the time. Come as you are. God through the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
NOV 26, 2023; Psalm 19
v.14 – Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
NOV 19, 2023; Luke 21:1-4
Giving in worship of the Our Lord who gave everything that we might have life more abundantly. And knowing that Our God will meet all our needs when we give all to Him.
NOV 5, 2023; Luke 20:37-47
Is your Relationship with God Active?
OCT 29, 2023; Luke 20:35&36
The Bride of Christ
OCT 22, 2023; Luke 20:27-40
Are you considered worthy to attain to the resurrection?
OCT 15, 2023; Luke 20:19-26
Render to Ceasar.
OCT 8, 2023; 2 Chronicles 20
God is in Control.