Today pastor Steve talks about the events around the death of Christ on the cross. Being in the right place at the right time. Gods timing is always perfect even though the circumstance may not seem right. All things are to the Glory of God the Father. Now is the acceptable time to believe in the Love Gift Sacrifice of Jesus Christ provided to us even when we were and are at odds with God our Creator.
Tag Archives: Pastor Steve Morales
FEB 28, 2021 Luke 9:1-6
Listen as Pastor Steve continues to expound through the word of God in the book of Luke.
FEB 21, 2021 Luke 8:40-56
Pastor Steve compels us to examine the scriptures regarding the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years and the sickness and death of a 12 years old daughter. With in these scriptures we see that the Lord is never late and that the Lord is always stretching our faith. Are you crying out to the Lord and persistent in your prayers? Are you reaching out to touch Jesus to strengthen your faith to believe the work Christ Jesus can do in you and through you?
FEB 14, 2021 Luke 8:26-39
Pastor Steve expounds on the grace and mercy Jesus has on those that are restricted by the possession or oppression of demons that keep His creations from a relationship with Him the Creator.
JAN 31, 2021; Luke 8:20-25
But He (Jesus) answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.” In todays teaching Pastor Steve encourages us to not only hear the word of God but to do it. In doing so we are and become part of the family of God.
JAN 24, 2021; Luke 8:16-19
Is there hope and joy in your heart? Do the circumstances of life around you leave feeling lost and in the dark. There is good news. Jesus has come to bring hope in this world to have a relationship with us and to place a the light of His Love in you to be a reflection of His Love toward others.
JAN 17, 2021; Luke 8:4-15
Sewing the Seed of Salvation starts in our hearts. We must be prepared for the work that lays ahead. Sewing seed is a committed task that requires work. There will be discouragement but the fruits of the Harvest are worth the efforts. The celebration of one soul who has been committed to the Lord Jesus Christ is always worth the effort.
JAN 3, 2021 Psalm 37
Pastor Steve Morales reminding us not to ‘Fret’ be afraid because of all the turmoil around us.
DEC 27, 2020 Matt 1:18-25
Pastor Steve recounts the angels announcement of Jesus birth to Mary and Joseph. God revealing His plan to two individuals willing to disregard their fear religious leaders and in their love for God be obedient to His plan for them in bring the Savior into the world. God today continues to be personal to us. He meets us at our level to seek those who are willing to be obedient to His plan for you in His reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
DEC 20, 2020; Luke 8:1-3
Pastor Steve returns to us as he continues to teach through the book of Luke and the ministry of Jesus Christ. Today we see how giving can strengthen our faith and how in receiving our faith in our God is justified.