Is there grace in your life?
Tag Archives: Neal Pirolo
DEC 22, 2024; Luke 24:13 Emmaus Road
Does your heart burn Within you?
NOV 10, 2024; Ephesians
Are you seated in Christ?
Neal gives an overview on the book of Ephesians with a focus on the importance of sitting, walking and standing with Christ.
You can find books like ‘Prepare for the Battle’ at If you would like to inquire you may write an email to:
JUN 9, 2024; Spiritual Authority
Neal finishes the six-part series of Spiritual Warfare covering the Authority of Christ Jesus. Never leave home without Him. Even scripture reminds us how soon we forget what manner of person we are after looking in the mirror. Let us remember to mirror Jesus Christ in our daily lives by submitting to Him and turning all areas over to Him.
The book ‘Prepare for the Battle’ is available at Emmaus Roads International if you would like to inquire you may write an email to:
MAR 3, 2024; Spiritual Warfare-Character and Tactics of satan.
Just being aware will be helpful in getting out the Gospel message.
For we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hots of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 4:12.
JAN 14, 2024; Pray without Ceasing
Neal teaching on the second main weapon in spiritual warfare: PRAYER.
JUL 30,2023; Spiritual Warfare Part 3
Using the Sword of the Spirit.
APR 30,2023; Spiritual Warfare Part 2
Spiritual Armor the only Armor that makes us more alive when worn properly.
NOV 27, 2022; An Invitation
Neal Pirolo teaches from the word regarding the Spiritual Warfare that rages around us in the battle for lost souls.
SEP 4, 2022; How deep is His love for us
Pastor Neal shares the remembrance of Jesus Christs preparations of the Last Supper and His great sacrifice for us.
If you would like to learn more about Pass Over observances, you can go to the following link: