Missions Fellowship ▪ NEXT Sunday, March 9th at 5 pm we are privileged to have Meinardo and Julie Hernández as our guest speakers. They will Zoom with us from Oaxaca, Mexico. Julie went through our training for Wycliffe missionaries years ago. They are involved with Bible translation. They have “most of the New Testament ready for translation checking.” You will find it a refreshing delight to relate with them. Prayer and potluck to follow. Check with Neal or Yvonne for directions to their home.
Daylight Savings Time Begins ▪ Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday, March 9th.
Men’s Bible Study ▪ All men are invited to attend the men’s ministry on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm as they go through the book of James.
Bibles Needed ▪ If you would like to donate a Bible you no longer use, please put it in the box at the back table. All Bibles will go to “the ranch” a recovery home.
After Service Prayer ▪ Go to the prayer room where prayer warriors and pastors are waiting to pray for you.