Are you separated from God’s Love? God provides the solution.
Category Archives: Services
MAR 3, 2024; Spiritual Warfare-Character and Tactics of satan.
Just being aware will be helpful in getting out the Gospel message.
For we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hots of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 4:12.
FEB 25, 2023; Luke 21:15-19
What will you say?
FEB 18, 2024; Luke 21:11-15
Testimony in the times of persecution. Are you ready?
FEB 11, 2023; Luke 21:8-11
If you are in Christ Jesus, do not be terrified.
FEB 4, 2024; Communion Sunday
Prepare your heart.
JAN 28, 2024; Luke 21:5-8
Are you being led astray?
JAN 21, 2024; Luke 21:1-19
Some important information for the disciples and more facts to uphold Jesus as the Son of God.
JAN 14, 2024; Pray without Ceasing
Neal teaching on the second main weapon in spiritual warfare: PRAYER.
JAN 7,2023; Communion 2 Cor. 5:17-21
Behold all things are new.