Lifting up and Encouraging the Mother’s who love us even when we are not loveable.
Category Archives: Services
May 05, 2019; Luke 1:32-38
Listen to Pastor Steve Morales tech from Luke 1:32-38 about the conception of Jesus.
April 28, 2019; Luke 1:26-32
Listen to Pastor Steve Morales tech from Luke 1:26-32 about the conception of Jesus.
April 21, 2019; Easter Sunday
Listen as the Lord is Glorified and we Celebrate the new Life in Our Risen Savior!
April 07, 2019; Power of the Cross
Pastor Dan Barnett shares regarding the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
March 31, 2019; James 1 – Count it All Joy
Pastor Neal teaches about the Joy that comes from everyday living and troubles we go through.
March 24, 2019; Are You Cross t Fit?
Pastor Tony Shriver teaching on Ephesians 15:1-17 regarding our being Fit in the Cross
March 17, 2019; Luke 1:22-30
Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the Word of God in the Book of Luke
March 10, 2019; Luke 1:13-22
Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the Word of God in the Book of Luke.
March 03, 2019 Communion Sunday
Fernando Astorga gives his testimony a witness to a changed life by the Power of the Cross of Jesus Christ and his shed blood for all men.