Pastor Steve Morales teaches that in our lives “Jesus must Increase”
Category Archives: Services
SEP 22, 2019; Luke 3:7-14
Pastor Steve teaches about John the Baptist who was asked, “What must we do?”
September 15, 2019; Luke 3:4-6
Listen to Pastor Steve Morales teaches from Luke 3:4-6 “See the Salvation of God.”
September 08, 2019 Acts 5 – 6
Pastor Lou Olivera teaches from Acts to show the simplicity of living the gospel Of Christ Jesus.
Sept 1, 2019; Communion
Pastor Steve teaches from Luke 22 about Jesus teaching his disciples of the New Covenant through His body and blood. Do this in Rememberance
August 25, 2109 – Hope for Today and Tomorrow
Pastor Robert Najera teaches through Scripture about the HOPE we have in Jesus to be there and provide in every situation of life.
August 18, 2019
Pastor Dan Barnett teaches on the Joshua 8. “The Battle belongs to the Lord”
August 11, 2018; Luke 3:1-3
Listen to Pastor Steve Morales teaches from Luke 3:1-3 “The positions of authority God raises up.”
August 4, 2019; Communion Sunday
Listen to Pastor Steve Morales teaches Paul’s instructions on Communion from 1 Corinthians 11:17-32.
July 28, 2019; “On the Day of Battle”
Listen to Pastor Tony Shriver teaches from 1 Samuel “On the Day of Battle.”