Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the book of Luke. Are we willing to come before the Lord Jesus with our requests regardless of the obstacles? Jesus is willing to grant the request according to His will.
Category Archives: Services
FEB 16, 2020 Luke 5:6-11
Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the book of Luke and we see the blessings that come from being willing and obedient to the calls of the Lord.
FEB 09, 2020 Luke 5:4-7
Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the book of Luke and we see Peter fishing and toiling all night without Jesus and when Jesus commands Peter to cast his nets again and regardless of his physical fatigue Peter listens and does as the Lord had suggested. We have to strive with our flesh when the Spirit calls.
FEB 02,2020 Communion
Byron shares 2019 in Hong Kong and all the God is doing and how we can be used by God in the little things stopping to meet the needs of people around us. Steve looks at the message about Communion from 1 Corinthians 11:24.
JAN 26, 2020; Luke 5:1-3
Pastor Steve Morales continues teaching through the book of Luke and we see Jesus at the Lake of Gennesaret so pressed in by the crowds to hear him speak that he used a boat to push back a bit to be able to be heard and seen by all who came.
JAN 19, 2020; Tackle the Tongue; James 3
Neal Pirolo teaches regarding the taming of the tongue found in the book of James chapter 3. For such a small thing it can be either be a great blessing or great evil.
Jan 12, 2020 Luke 4:31-44
Pastor Steve Morales continues in Luke. The enemy is looking for a target. That target is you and can even be here among us at church. If we give place to the enemy in our walk with God we can be carrying that demonic influence with us even to church. While we as believers may not be possessed; we can be oppressed. Be mindful that you are giving no place to the enemy in your life.
JAN 5, 2020; Luke 4:24-30
Pastor Steve Morales continues in chapter 4. Because their hearts were not open to God to accept His Son Jesus; they would not see the wonders of God in their lives. Does your heart and your mind belong to God, or are you too consumed by the concerns of this world that God cannot work wonders in your life?
Dec 29, 2019; Luke 4:23-24
Pastor Steve Morales continues through the Book of Luke. Jesus with the people in His home town. Why couldn’t they receive Him as the Messiah?
DEC 22, 2019; 1 Sam 15:24-35
Pastor Tony Shriver teaches from the book of 1 Samuel 15:24-35 “…it is better to obey than to sacrifice…” While the forgiveness of disobedience is “instant” the “consequences” are not. And those consequences are predicated on the intent of our heart.
God’s Spirit is always looking deeper into the intent of our hearts and only He can know the heart of man and gives accordingly. Jerimiah 17:10