Pastor Neal expounds on the gift of Salvation starting from Genesis through the crucifixion of Christ. Demonstrating God’s great Love for us that He would send His only Son to pay the price for our disobedience that He could restore His relationship with us.
Category Archives: Services
July 26, 2020; Luke 6:27-31
Listen as Pastor Steve teaches about following the teachings of Jesus and being that example of Christ for the world to see. It is so desperately needed in our cultural struggles today.
July 19,2020 Matthew 6:5-6
Pastor Steve is encouraging us all to Pray for the Church, the Country and our representatives.
July 12, 2020 Luke 6:24-26
Pastor Steve Morales continues through the book of Luke chapter 6 and the blessings and warnings to those who desire to identify with Jesus Christ.
July 5, 2020; Luke 6:20-23
Pastor Steve Morales continues through the book Luke recounting the Beatitudes and the blessings of the poor in spirit, hunger for righteousness, weep for justice. Though you are hated for the sake of Christ, for you will be blessed.
June 28, 2020 Luke 6:11-19
Listen to Pastor Steve continues through the book of Luke. Can we say ,”If you seen me, you have seen Jesus”
June 21, 2020 Luke 6:6-11
Pastor Steve Morales continues in the book of Luke as Jesus starts his ministry. As Jesus was watched and always being scrutinized for his actions against the laws of the Pharisees, we too are watched by others to see how we act and respond to others and life in general. We are ambassadors for Christ let’s be the best example we can be.
June 14, 2020 Luke 6:1-11
Pastor Steve shares from the book of Luke. As we return to our study of this gospel, we find Jesus challenging the legalistic practices of the time as religious leaders over the years have placed more laws on the people then God had intended. See how Jesus contends for the relationship that God desires to care for his people.
June 07, 2020 John 4:19
Are you thirsty? Come to the “Well of Life” in Christ Jesus. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit will never thirst again feeling empty like something is missing in your life. You become the place of worship in Christ Jesus where ever you are. Walk in His ways.
May 31, 2020 “The Person God Uses”
Who is the person God uses? Will it be you?