Pastor Neal Pirolo reminds us of all that we have to be thankful for as we reminisce through the bible from Genesis to the Birth of Christ. Our God has a plan and YOU are a part of that plan.
Category Archives: Services
NOV 15, 2020; Luke 7:36-50
Pastor Steve Morales finishes chapter 7 of Luke which records one of the most public display of affection by a woman for the Lord because of the release from a multitude of sins. In spite of the cultural norms, she ventures to express her love to The One who set her free. In the center of Christ Jesus Love for us, comes freedom for us to love.
NOV 8, 2020 1 Samuel 8
Pastor Steve Morales shares from the book of 1 Samuel to relate to the change in society based on what the people desire verses what is God’s desire.
NOV 1, 2020 Communion
Pastor Robert Najera expounds upon the the goodness of God toward us, His creation the ones He created in His image. And God’s undying love for us.
Oct 25, 2020; God On Politics
Pastor Steve believes we are at a “Cross Roads” as a nation and as a body of believers. Today we will look at scripture and history shows regarding standing up for righteousness and how important it is to choose those political values that best reflect our biblical values.
Oct 18, 2020; Luke 7:31-35
Listen as Pastor Steve continues to teach about the accusations against Jesus because He cared for those that the Pharisee’s and Scribes had written off as not worthy.
Oct 11, 2020; Luke 7:29-35
Listen as Pastor Steve teaches about ‘How Jesus challenged the cultural norms as He would fellowship with those that were looked down upon.’ God’s salvation message ‘The Good News’ is for all peoples. God desires that all would come to Him and have a relationship with Him. The only thing that separates us from God is us. The choice, the judgement is ours to make, for God has done everything to pay our debt through His Son Jesus Christ.
OCT 4, 2020; HEB 10:1-10 “Out with the Old in with the New”
Pastor Tony Shriver teaching about the ‘Completeness’ of the Scripture being fulfilled in the Life and Death of Christ Jesus. Fulfilling the Old Testament and Establish the New Testament that we have life eternal with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit never to be separated again when we believe.
Sep 20, 2020; Luke 7:18-29
Listen as Pastor Steve teaches about ‘How Jesus proved the ministry He was given of the Father and the of the work given to John the Baptist to usher in the New Testament.’ God has a work for us all if we will only allow the Spirit of God to direct our steps and follow in The Way. And the best part of all is Jesus is here to help and come along side us in that work.
Sep 13, 2020; Luke 7:11-17
Listen as Pastor Steve teaches about ‘How Jesus raised a young man from the dead.’ There are no boundaries for God. He can intercede in any situation or occasion. Are we open to the the interceding of Christ in our life?