Category Archives: Services

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MAR 7, 2021 Luke 23 Communion Sunday

Today pastor Steve talks about the events around the death of Christ on the cross. Being in the right place at the right time. Gods timing is always perfect even though the circumstance may not seem right. All things are to the Glory of God the Father. Now is the acceptable time to believe in the Love Gift Sacrifice of Jesus Christ provided to us even when we were and are at odds with God our Creator.

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FEB 21, 2021 Luke 8:40-56

Pastor Steve compels us to examine the scriptures regarding the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years and the sickness and death of a 12 years old daughter. With in these scriptures we see that the Lord is never late and that the Lord is always stretching our faith. Are you crying out to the Lord and persistent in your prayers? Are you reaching out to touch Jesus to strengthen your faith to believe the work Christ Jesus can do in you and through you?

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FEB 7, 2021 Life’s Journey Psalm 23

Pastor Tony shares a look at Psalm 23. The Bible compares humanity to sheep often and our need to have a shepherd. David, the psalmist who wrote these words, was a shepherd himself. As a young boy, he watched over his father’s flock with great care. It’s where he learned responsibility…he learned how to care for, provide for and protect the flock. Are you in need of Jesus to lead you in your life to give you comfort and peace that passes all understanding? To be reconciled to Him for all eternity.

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