Category Archives: Services
SEP 26, 2021; Luke 11:33-53
SEP 19, 2021; Freedom
Important to remember the freedom we have in our relationship with our Creator and the power bestowed upon us by Christ Jesus in the gathering of two or three.
SEP 12, 2021; Luke 11:27-32
Do hear the Word of God? Keep it, for in the word you are given the sign of redemption through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Let the sign of a changed heart also be the light for the world to see.
SEP 05, 2021; Luke 11:21-26
Who is keeping your house? Let the Spirit of God be in you and the One you listen too.
August 29, 2021; Luke 11:17-20
IF your house is divided; if you are in conflict with your neighbor or a friend, then check to see where the enemy is causing confusion. Many of our divisions are caused by the confusion of what the enemy causes and our lack of knowing what the word of God has said and applying it in our heart and our life.
Aug 22, 2021; Luke 11:14-16
Come as you are. Jesus did not require the mute to change for the better before he could be healed. The mute could not change his condition, he was possessed. Only through the faith placed in him by Jesus, was he able to trust in Jesus to change him.
AUG 15, 2021; Luke 11:5-13
Have you asked? Not only are our prayers used to communicate with God but, He actually desires to hear our prayers. Scripture says our prayers are a sweet smelling aroma to God. Pray continually without ceasing.
August 8th, 2021; From the Palace to a Cave
Pastor Tony expounds on Samuel 22:1-2. When we find ourselves in a cave of our own making or weather it be by God’s allowance, is the time that we give up on our own devices and need to trust in the One who can and will deliver us if we only ask. It’s never a desired situation or a comfortable situation but it is a situation that will be used to grow us.
July 25, 2021; What’s in a Prayer
Pastor Steve takes a deeper dive into the Lords Prayer covering each area of Acknowledging Our Creator and father; His will our will; Daily need; Forgiveness of others; deliverance from Temptation; Stand against Evil; Acknowledgement of God’s power.