Listen to this service before you become frustrated and angry at the situation around you and those who seem to be getting away with all evil.
Category Archives: Services
MAR 13, 2022; Luke 13:34-35
There is a day coming in all our existence when we shall bend a knee and confess that, Jesus is Lord. The question is this. Will you bend your knee in this life or after this life?
MAR 6, 2022; Luke 13:30-33
Will fear keep you from walking in “The Way”?
FEB 27, 2022; Luke 13:26-33
ARE you at the gate?
FEB 20, 2022; Luke 13:20-33
Striving to enter the “Narrow Gate”…What is that mean?
FEB 13, 2022; Luke 13:18-20
What’s in a mustard seed?
FEB 6, 2022; Communion
Life is in the shed blood of Christ Jesus. His blood was shed to cover the disobedience of man. His shed blood bridges the gap between us and God. We can now have access to the Living God who created us for a relationship with Him. If we only believe in the gift of God given to us we will be restored. DO YOU BELIEVE?
JAN 30, 2022; Luke 13:10-17
When would you preferred to be healed?
JAN 23, 2022; Luke 13:6-8
Are you bearing fruit of the Spirit?
JAN 16, 2022; Luke 13:1-5
Repent of the sin (disobedience) that separates us from God our Creator and accept the payment of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross that we may have fellowship and eternal Life with Him.