Isn’t God’s Love for us so amazing! In God’s desire to cultivate a relationship with us He allows us to go through our emotions even when we are angry with Our Creator.
Category Archives: Services
JUL 24, 2022; 1 Samuel 14
Pastor Lou Olivares shares concerning the importance of living a life in Christ whereby “All that we are is because of the One who made us.”
JUL 17, 2022; James 4
Are we missing God’s best for us by letting our desires get in the way? Do the right thing.
JUL 10; 2022 Your Word Our Everything
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
JUL 3, 2022; Sacrifice of Love
Listen and hear what the Spirit would have for you to know regarding the Sacrifice at the Cross of Love. What was meant for an instrument of Torture in Death has become an instrument of Life and Reconciliation of ourselves to our Creator.
JUN 26; 2022 Jonah Gets a Second Chance
We serve a God of Second Chances (Third, Forth, etc.) Are our decisions without consequence? No. But when we humble ourselves before the Lord, He is always ready to take us and restore the relationship that was broken.
JUN 19, 2022; Belly of Deliverance
Jonah 1:17 through Jonah 2:10. By Jonah’s own hand he finds himself in a position that didn’t have to be. But when we give it up to God, He is gracious to sustain us and deliver us back into the path of righteousness that we left.
JUN 12, 2022; But Jonah-But the Lord part 2
The conclusion to Jonah’s resistance to God’s call on him to go to Nineveh. Jonah 1:4-16. While Jonah’s desire to not have to fulfill this call God has placed on him, Jonah finally relinquishes himself completely into the hands of God.
JUN 5, 2022; Listen Then Minister
Are you committing the things that God has given into your hands to Him? And then listen for His voice and Minister.
MAY 29, 2022; Jonah vs God.
Pastor Tony takes a look at the reality of Jonah’s decision to not follow God’s call upon him to go to the ‘Great City of Nineveh’ and cry out against their sin’s. What is the Nineveh in our life that we find reason not to be obedient to what God has called us to? God loves us so much not to let become comfortable in our disobedience.