All posts by admin

September 11, 2022

Missions Fellowship – TODAY at 5 PM. We are excited to have Rose Martinez as our guest. Rose “signed on” for a two-year commitment to assist Mrs. Lim in her orphanage in Bangkok, Thailand. Forty years later Rose is mother, grandma and great grandma to hundreds of Thiases through five orphanages in Thailand and one in Cambodia. Come as early as 3:30 PM for a swim. The pool is still warm. Potluck following a time of prayer for Rose.

Fellowship Potluck – Sunday, September 18th right after service in the fellowship hall. A time to break bread and fellowship with one another. Remember to bring a dish to share. Also, consider staying after to help us clean up.

School Fundraiser – Stop by room 101 to buy snacks, juice, treats, candy–all for $1/ea. Proceeds will go to purchase supplies for the new school year.

After Service Prayer – Please go to the prayer room; pastors and prayer warriors will be there to pray for you.

Prayer – Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in

SEP 4, 2022; How deep is His love for us

Pastor Neal shares the remembrance of Jesus Christs preparations of the Last Supper and His great sacrifice for us.

Listen to the service

If you would like to learn more about Pass Over observances, you can go to the following link:

D16-18: The Correct Timing Of Yeshua’s Last Supper, Arrest, Crucifixion, Burial And Resurrection (Part 6) – WELCOME TO THE MESSIANIC REVOLUTION (

September 4, 2022

School and Church Offices – Closed Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day.

Missions Fellowship – Next Sunday September 11 at 5 PM. We are excited to have Rose Martinez as our guest. Rose “signed on” for a two-year commitment to assist Mrs. Lim in her orphanage in Bangkok, Thailand. Forty years later Rose is mother, grandma and great grandma to hundreds of Thiases through five orphanages in Thailand and one in Cambodia. Come as early as 3:30 PM for a swim. The pool is still warm. Potluck following a time of prayer for Rose.

Fellowship Potluck – Sunday, September 18th right after service in the fellowship hall. A time to break bread and fellowship with one another. Remember to bring a dish to share. Also, consider staying after to help us clean up.

School Fundraiser – Stop by room 101 to buy snacks, juice, treats, candy–all for $1/ea. Proceeds will go to purchase supplies for the new school year.

After Service Prayer – Please go to the prayer room; pastors and prayer warriors will be there to pray for you.

Prayer – Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the sanctuary.

Church Parking Lot – When the parking lot is full, please park on the street. In case of emergencies, this will allow emergency vehicles access to the parking lot.

AUG 28, 2022; Luke 14:15-35

Do we find ourselves making an excuse for not being filled with that which the Lord has for us? Have you accepted an invitation from God to life everlasting but find yourself not preparing for your new life or sharing that invitation with others? It is never too late. Begin today to know the One Who Created you for a relationship with Him and tell others of His love for them. Make others thirst for the goodness of God and be preserved for eternity.

Listen to the Service

August 28, 2022

School Fundraiser – Stop by room 101 to buy snacks, juice, treats, candy–all for $1/ea. Proceeds will go to purchase supplies for the new school year.

Fellowship Potluck – Sunday, September 18th right after service in the fellowship hall. A time to break bread and fellowship with one another. Remember to bring a dish to share. Also, consider staying after to help us clean up.

Car Ministry – Saturday, September 3rd at 8 AM in the church parking lot for light Automotive work. Please sign up at the back table for light automotive work.

After Service Prayer – Please go to the prayer room; pastors and prayer warriors will be there to pray for you.

Prayer – Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the sanctuary.

Church Parking Lot – When the parking lot is full, please park on the street. In case of emergencies, this will allow emergency vehicles access to the parking lot.