Pastor Tony Shriver expounds upon John 14 15-24. Continuing in Obedience is better than sacrifice comes by keeping His commands.
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Romans 8:1-2
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
July 28, 2024
Car Ministry ▪ Saturday, August 3rd from 8 am to 1 pm in the parking lot. Please sign up at the back table if you need light automotive work done on your vehicle. Be sure to be here at 8 am.
Faith and Family Night ▪ The Padres will be hosting churches from around Souther California when they take on the New York Mets. Game starts at 5:40 PM on Saturday, August 24TH. Purchase tickets at
Bibles Needed ▪ If you would like to donate a Bible you no longer use, please put it in the box at the back table. All Bibles will go to “the ranch” a recovery home.
Women’s Bible Study ▪ Will be on a short break. They will start their Bible study on Kings part 2 on Monday, August 5th @ 6 pm. Sign up downstairs as we will be ordering the books soon. Cost: $8.
After Service Prayer ▪ Go to the prayer room where prayer warriors and pastors are waiting to pray for you.
Prayer ▪ Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the youth room.
JUL 21, 2024; Acts 4
By the Name of Jesus, we are healed from our sin. Are you ready to be taught by the Holy Spirit?
July 21, 2024
Baptism ▪ TODAY at 3 pm at DeAnza Cove. Come fellowship and bring your picnic.
Bibles Needed ▪ If you would like to donate a Bible you no longer use, please put it in the box at the back table. All Bibles will go to “the ranch” a recovery home.
Car Ministry ▪ Saturday, August 3rd from 8 am to 1 pm in the parking lot. Please sign up at the back table if you need light automotive work done on your vehicle. Be sure to be here at 8 am.
Thursday Farmer’s Market ▪ We have a spot for a table to pass out flyers to promote our church and school on Thursday, July 25th. We need your help! Please sign up at the back table. Any questions, please see Wendy.
Women’s Bible Study ▪ Will be on a short break. They will start their Bible study on Kings part 2 on Monday, August 5th @ 6 pm. Sign up downstairs as we will be ordering the books soon. Cost: $8.
Thursday Night Home Fellowship ▪ Will be meeting at 6 pm at DeAnza Cove for the summer.
After Service Prayer ▪ Go to the prayer room where prayer warriors and pastors are waiting to pray for you.
Prayer ▪ Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the youth room.
Psalms 29:1
Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, Give unto the Lord glory and strength
JUL 14, 2024; Luke 22:3-20
Judas betrays/ The last supper
Ephesians 6:23-24
Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
July 14, 2024
Missions Fellowship ▪ TODAY at 4:50 pm, we will Zoom to Japan and spend an hour with Jonathan Wilson. He and his wife, Rie, have developed a program: OpSAFE is a trauma camp for children that can be run by local churches after disaster or war. It has been used in eleven countries for over 50,000 children opening the way for help and hope.
Free Movie Night ▪ Friday, July 19th at 6:30 pm at the First Baptist Church of Coronado, 445 “C” Avenue, Coronado. They will be showing the “Jesus Revolution” movie. No childcare provided.
Thursday Farmer’s Market ▪ Thursday, July 25th we have a spot for a table to pass out flyers to promote our church and school. We need your help! Please sign up at the back table. Any questions, please see Wendy.
Baptism ▪ Sunday, July 21st at 3 pm at DeAnza Cove. Come fellowship and bring your picnic.
Women’s Bible Study ▪ Will be on a short break. They will start their Bible study on Kings part 2 on Monday, August 5th @ 6 pm. Please sign up downstairs. Cost: $8 for the booklet.
Thursday Night Home Fellowship ▪ Will be meeting at 6 pm at DeAnza Cove for the summer.
After Service Prayer ▪ Go to the prayer room where prayer warriors and pastors are waiting to pray for you.
Prayer ▪ Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the youth room.
JUL 7, 2024; Communion
Anthony Chapman and family share worship and Psalms 33 with us.