Horizon North Park Christian Fellowship has been a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ within the heart of North Park for over 30 years now. Horizon North Park Christian Fellowship is affiliated with Calvary Chapel and we’re part of Horizon Christian Fellowship of San Diego.
Our Vision
“Tell” people of Jesus Christ
TELL – People the whole message of this life, the eternal life revealed by Christ and found through faith in Him. (Acts 5:20)
“Teach” people about Jesus Christ
TEACH – The whole truth of the Word of God, line upon line, precept upon precept, word upon word. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 17:17)
“Train” people up to be sent out for Jesus Christ
TRAIN -Disciples to learn about, believe in, and obey the Word of God, become doers of the Word, and bear fruit of the Holy Spirit, equipping them to witness and testify with authority and lead people to Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Statement of Faith
Horizon North Park Christian Fellowship has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only their over emphasis of doctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body of Christ.
We believe that the only true basis of Christian Fellowship is His (Agape) Love, which is greater than any differences we possess and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians. We believe the Worship of God should be Spiritual. Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the Holy Spirit to direct our Worship.
We believe the Worship of God should be Inspirational. Therefore, we give a great place to music in our Worship.
We believe the Worship of God should be Intelligent. Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis upon Teaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshipped.
We believe the Worship of God is Fruitful. Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation that we have truly been Worshipping Him.
Blue Letter Bible an easy to navigate online Bible
Calvary Chapel‘s home page
Emmaus Road International resources for the Third Millennium Missions
Cru / How to Know God Personally and see how you can be assured you will go to heaven when you die
Bible Proof Book read scientific and historical evidence that proves God exists and Jesus is God’s Son
Creation Ministries International creation, evolution, apologetics, and more
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith through scientific evidence in the Bible